Sunday, December 5, 2021

Donkey Faces

 Oh these donkeys make me laugh. They make the best faces. They are just the best thing. I have had one donkey for a couple years and now I have 6. They all have different personalities and they are all finally coming out of their shells and showing off who they are. It is so funny to watch them. I absolutely love watching them. The faces they make will make anyone smile. If you want an animal that loves you and will make you laugh most of the time, get a donkey. They are vocal at times though. But, I have learned after having donkeys, these are vocal when they are happy to see me, when they are talking to each other or if they are hungry. Obviously they need vet care, hoof care, and the essentials but they are great animals. They are protectors. The best is the faces they make. I love it!! 

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