Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sweet Maggie

 My Maggie girl is slowing down every year. She has been though health problems in the last few years. I’m so grateful she is still moving around as much as she is. She still barks, runs around, and plays. I sure do love that dog. I got home one day and let the dogs outside, poor Maggie slipped down the stairs. She wasn’t hurt and got up and went to the back yard. She just didn’t act like she felt good, so I let Maggie and Pepper back in the house. As Maggie was going back up the stairs, she tripped up the stairs also. She has more good days than bad, but that was a rough day. She has been fine since that day. It does make me sad to think she is slowing down. I know she is fixing to be 12 years old and that is getting up there in years. She is still going to live out here years here. She is a great dog. 

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