Thursday, December 30, 2021

Another Shop Chicken

 I came home this week and saw another chicken in the shop. Edith continues to stay in the shop but now Gloria is in there also. After a few days, I think she might have followed Edith in and couldn’t get out. She has been in there several days. Both of the chickens in there have made the cats uncomfortable. They are all a little fearful of the chickens. I know 2 out of the 3 cats have had at least one run in with a chicken that didn’t go well. The chickens have been eating the cat food. It’s just been a crazy week. I didn’t try to run her out since I knew the cold weather was coming. The cold weather isn’t here yet, but Gloria did find her way out of the shop today and is roosting comfortably with her friends. I sometimes wish I had a video camera on some of these animals all day everyday. 

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