Friday, December 31, 2021

Winter is on the way

 It’s the last day of the year. It’s about to get cold here this weekend. I always get stressed when it gets cold. I have set up some warm and cozy spots for the barn cats. I have bought extra straw for the pigs and will fill their houses tomorrow before it hits. The donkeys have dug their own holes in the dirt in the barn to stay warm. I have put straw in with the small goats. Noma and Cracker have a spot to stay out of the wind but refuse to go in it. We will make sure they have plenty of hay to eat to stay warm. We will do the same for the horses in their barn and the same for the donkeys and goats in their barn. I know I get nervous but these guys do know how to stay warm. We help them with what we can. Say a prayer for us this weekend. Probably more for me since I get horrible anxiety over the animals warmth and safety. 

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