Sunday, December 5, 2021

Cracker Jack and the Cows

 Well, I have been letting the cows out all day everyday. They love it. They get to run around, play, lay in the sun, and graze. They seem so happy. I only put them in at night now. Cracker Jack doesn’t love it so much. I am not sure why he is so scared of the cows, but he is. Noma doesn’t seem to mind them at all, but Cracker Jack is terrified. He runs and hides from them. He actually spends time in the pen when they are not in there for whatever reason. I think he is eating the rest of their hay. I don’t know how to help Cracker Jack get over his fear. The cows don’t want to harm him. They want to play. Cracker Jack is the oldest animal we have here on the property but he has a lot of life left. I wish he wasn’t scared of the cows. They are about his size so he shouldn’t be scared of them. 

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