Friday, December 31, 2021

Oh Goodness.

 Some days around here are just rough. Lately I have felt a little defeated. I think it’s just anxiety for the upcoming cold weather here. The other night I was taking water down to the pigs in 5 gallon buckets in bucket on the tractor. It had been a long day and I was too tired to carry them. Who am I kidding?? I do that daily. As I’m driving down to the pigs, apparently I was not paying attention to what I was doing and the buckets fell out of the tractor bucket and I actually ran over them. Oh my goodness. How does that even happen?? All I can say is that I demolished those buckets of water. The tractor was okay though. Hahahaha!!  Luckily we have more buckets. I jumped off that tractor so fast. I really cannot believe I did that. It was getting dark and I was in a hurry but that slowed me down. I had to clean up the buckets and refill more and then take them down there. Just another day in paradise. The things we do and see around here. It’s never dull. 

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