Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ummm… what??

 As I was working on some things Sunday afternoon, I heard some honking. Like a car horn. I didn’t think much of it and continued doing what I was doing. I heard it again and again. I get up and see someone in the driveway. I was super confused. Ronnie had worked that night so he was asleep. I woke him up. As he got up and around, the honing continued. I wasn’t go out there. I didn’t know who that was. Ronnie finally got out there to see what was going on. I tried to listen but they weren’t loud enough. When Ronnie came back in, he just shook his head and laughed. He said, first off, in Texas out in the country, it’s customary to honk instead of coming to the door. I didn’t know that but I do now. I said okay, what did he want?? Ronnie laughed some more and said, he wanted a donkey. Guys, everyone knows us by living in the house in the S curve with all the donkeys. He had to tell him they were not for sale and they would be staying where they were. I can’t imagine parting with one of these guys at this point. I’m sure I could have found him a donkey but he can’t have one of mine. The funny thing is, that’s not the first time. I almost Ed parted with Ned right after he got here because he had such a hard start here. He was not happy at all. I mean not even a little bit. But, he seems to be the happiest one of all now. I’m so glad I didn’t part with him. 

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