Monday, December 6, 2021

Cold Temps

 It’s going to be cold tonight. I put extra straw out for the pigs. I fed the other animals more food. The goats have bedding all in their shelter. The cows are in their shelter with chickens roosting around them. The donkeys and other goats, along with the rest of the chickens roosting have a barn to keep the wind out. The other 2 donkeys are also in their shelter tonight to keep the wind out. The horses have a barn to keep the wind out. The barn cats have nice warm spots with hay to keep them warm and out of the weather. The dogs are in and the rest of the cats are inside also. I wish I could bring them all inside, but the house isn’t big enough. All of them are out of the north wind and have a buddy or two to help keep them warm. I’m so glad we got the 2 barns and the rest of the shelters finished before the cold hit. Oh, and I can’t forget Edith, the only smart chicken we have is curled up in the shop with the cats only she is up higher than they are. Say an extra prayer for these guys tonight. I have done what I can but I still get concerned when temps are this cold.

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