Sunday, December 19, 2021

Goodbye, George

 I came home on Friday and noticed something that didn’t look right. As I walked outside, I noticed it was a chicken laying down. I walked over and my brain didn’t want to process what I was seeing. It was George and he was already gone. I called Ronnie. He was at work. I asked if he had seen George that morning and he said yes that George was running around the farm that morning. I though it was possible he had been too weak after getting out of the fenced area. But after talking to Ronnie, I don’t think that was it. Poor George. I cannot explain to you how sad I am about George. He had been through so much. He was blind in one eye so he ran around in circles a lot. He lost his comb and a spur in the ice storm last year. He actually got stranded in a shelter for a couple days when it snowed one time this year. He refused to walk in the snow until I made him get out of there. He had a funny little personality. I know I’m not supposed to have favorites but he was my favorite rooster. I am going to miss him so much. Rest easy, George. 

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