Thursday, March 31, 2022

Eggs for Grandma

I was talking to someone about eggs not long ago and I find this little story to be blog worthy. If you follow my stories, you know I have so many eggs. We are still getting an average of a dozen a day. That’s a lot of eggs. Ronnie and I do not eat that many eggs. We hardly eat any if I’m being honest. Sometimes I do eat them if I feel like I need some protein since I do not eat meat anymore. So, back to the story. I know my Grandma and Grandpa love eggs. They like the farm eggs the best if they can get them. My friends were down a couple weeks ago and they were able to take back three dozen eggs to Arkansas for my grandparents. That meant a lot to my grandparents. I cannot thank my friends enough for doing that. Good friends are hard to find these days and I have had these friends for twenty years or more. They are so great!! Thanks, Tasha and Michael, you are appreciated!! 

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