Sunday, March 13, 2022

Oh Bubba

Sweet Bubba is not himself lately. When I took him to the vet 6 weeks ago, the vet gave him an antibiotic and he has done well. We are back to urinating where he shouldn’t but I am not sure he is doing it on purpose. He is vomiting often. He is having labored breathing and I know he has a heart murmur which 2 vets have told me is significant. He is also overweight. Poor guy is not feeling well. I found some stuff to help with the urinary tract and I will see if he starts to improve. I normally don’t talk about the rough stuff but this is rough. He is being a cuddly cat which is not his personality. He normal likes to be left alone. We will see how it goes. I’m not ready to let him go. I’m not sure if he is ready either but I know he will let me know. He is 12 years old this year. 

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