Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Noma and Mattie

Noma and Mattie, those two are an experience just watching them. Mattie is a ball of energy, Noma is not. He is all over her trying to play me she tries to bite at him. He jumps around her and it seems like too much for her and she lays down. I have to laugh, that’s almost like some humans. Noma is a good momma though, she always is up when he needs to nurse. She makes sure he is close to her. She is teaching him things he needs to know. She shares her food with him. She needed him, that is obvious. It’s a great experience to watch them. When Mattie gets tired, he just plops down and falls asleep. It’s hilarious. Mattie is even trying to play with Cracker Jack. Mattie seems to be the glue for Cracker Jack and Noma. 

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