Sunday, March 6, 2022

Just Great (Sarcasm Intended)

So we had a baby donkey on Friday with a nice day. Then we had another nice day on Saturday. Sunday morning it’s cold again and raining. Probably not the best for a new baby. I know they are resilient but still. I don’t want a sick baby. I decided since the baby was soaked from the rain and shivering I needed to do something. Noma was laying down acting like she did not care at all. She is used to the rain. She was not under a shelter so neither was Mattie. It was obvious Mattie was cold. I let the cows out of their pen and they ran to the hay bale, even though they have a hay bale in their pen. I’m glad I asked Ronnie for help in this organized chaos going on. I had treats in my pocket and got Noma in the pen. The problem was, Mattie didn’t follow but Cracker Jack did. Ronnie got Mattie in as I got Cracker Jack out. I hated to leave Cracker Jack with no shelter since he won’t go in with the cows. The cows normally don’t get under a shelter except at night but that’s neither here nor there. The problem was fixed but I will tell that story later. Luckily Noma and Mattie went into the shelter. Noma got more food. When I went to check later they were both dry. They will be staying in there the next few days while it’s cold. That also helps with making sure Cracker Jack stops stealing her food. She needs it more than he does. This also helps with giving Mattie attention and making sure he is getting what he needs. It just made sense to do this at least for now. 

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