Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Stuck in the fence

I got home from work today a little earlier than normal which was nice. I started my normal routine. I then called my grandma. As I was on the phone, I looked outside. I’m not sure what made me look outside but I did. I saw what looked like a goat at first in the little alley way and thought that was weird. I look closer and realize it’s Mattie. I told my grandma I had to go and I ran outside. Mattie’s foot was stuck in the gate and he could not get free. He was half under the gate which told me he had been there a while. I worked and worked and got him free. Then he wouldn’t get up, so I had to physically pick him up to get him on his feet. Luckily for me, I wasn’t that heavy. He stumbled around and was disoriented. Noma was standing by the gate watching me. I know that poor Mattie had been under there a while. He was exhausted. He must have fought to get out for quite a while. He face is banged up and swollen. He did bray at me once I got him free. He also tried to kick at me when I touched a tender spot. He definitely had some bumps and bruises. He is sore and a little traumatized. Noma loved on him like I had not seen before when he got free. This poor little guy had a bad day. He isn’t going near that gate now. It broke my heart to see him like that. He will be sore a while, but hopefully he bounces back quickly. He was hungry and thirsty when he got freed finally. I hope to never see that again. I’ve been hovering over him since I got home. 

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