Monday, March 7, 2022


I want to express this again. I find it important and it can relate to just about all of us. Noma was a shell of a donkey when she got here. She had been through some really rough stuff, so much she was unable to nurse her baby who ended up passing away. She didn’t get up much and she stayed away from us. When we had to separate her and her other son, it was like it was happening all over again. This was one depressed donkey. We knew it. We have tried not to force her. She is watching us with Mattie and you can tell she wants so badly to be loved. She is walking up to us if we are on opposite sides of the fence now. When I was petting Mattie earlier, she got so close to me but then got scared and backed away. I know she has been neglected and she is fearful. That’s obvious, but now her disposition is changing. It’s almost like she wants to be involved. It’s been 14 months since she got here. She is just now starting to see that she is safe and loved. I want so badly to wrap my arms around her neck and hopefully one day I will be able to do that. She has a purpose now and she knows it. I’m excited to see how this turns out. I’m shocked at the progress she is showing now. It’s amazing to me. 

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