Saturday, March 5, 2022

Protective Nature

The whole farm has changed with Mattie’s presence in the world. Literally the whole farm, except the pigs, they don’t care. The horses have stayed by the fence watching Mattie. The donkeys are staying close as well to watch from a distance. The cows are mad since they are in their pen, but if they only knew it was for their protection from Noma. Cracker Jack wasn’t able to get close yesterday but is able to today, so he has been sulking. The goats are all interested in what’s going on. The big thing is that most are watching and on high alert in case of danger and everyone of them is ready to protect Mattie. I have never seen that in my life. This has been an experience already. If only we were like these animals in some way, ready to protect those around us. Mattie is a blessing already. 

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