Sunday, March 6, 2022

Opened Gate

I opened the gate where the new residents will go. I was concerned about Cracker Jack not having anywhere to go. It’s not like he actually stays in a shelter, but I wanted to make sure he had somewhere to go. He is so nervous about the cows and he isn’t being nice to Mattie. I’m sure he is jealous. Since he has an attitude, I can’t leave him in with Noma and the baby. I know it isn’t fair. I am looking into getting another shelter for him. We may not need it, but it will be good to have anyway just in case. He is small enough he can go into the PortAHut if the cows will stay out of there. But if the cows are in there then Cracker Jack can go into the lean to. I just wanted to make sure he was covered if he needed to be. He may not use it but now I don’t feel like a terrible animal owner. 

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