Sunday, March 27, 2022

Mud Holes

It got up to 93 here today in West Texas. I am pretty sure I’m not ready for that. All of the animals have plenty of water, we make sure of that. They all have shelter and a place to get out of the sun. It can get hot out here. The animals I get the most concerned about in hot weather is the pigs. I went out to feed them and they had left one of the water troughs still with water in it and they had dug a hole and dumped the other water trough out to start their mud hole. I started pouring in fresh water into their troughs while washing out the dirt and putting that in the mud hole. As I finished up, Darla comes over and gets into the water trough while some of the other pigs were playing in the mud hole. Gus attempted to get in the trough but he has grown too large, so the water dumps out. I filled the troughs up again. I think I used 18 gallons to fill up what they dumped out. I got Ronnie to fill up the bucket on the tractor to give them more water and let them play in it for awhile and they did. They loved it and probably needed it. The temps won’t be up all week but soon they will be. 

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