Sunday, March 13, 2022

Visiting Mattie

I let some friends know about Mattie and they were finally able to come visit Mattie. He did so good with them. Noma even did well with them visiting. It was amazing to see. Mattie wanted to be petted and loved on by all of them. Noma even got some petting and some treats. I was amazed at how well she did. I was a little concerned so they went in 1 and 2 at a time to not stress Noma out. Mattie is so great. He was a happy little donkey. He did get tired and as my friends went to see the rest of the animals, Mattie had to sit down. It was so cute. I’m so grateful I have people that want to come love on all of the animals and that get excited to know what is happening around here. 

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