Sunday, March 6, 2022

Ummm… Well…

I thought I was going to have some trouble. Noma was eating and so I went over to love on Mattie. I have been handling her as much as I dare so Noma doesn’t get mad at me. So far Noma has done well with me hanging around. Noma is doing well by the way. She is nursing as much as Mattie wants. She is still protective of Mattie. Noma is exhausted though. She is being fed more since she is nursing. While she was eating, I was playing with Mattie. Mattie was practically on top of me trying to get me to not stop petting. I’m still not sure if it’s a boy or girl, I say boy, Ronnie says girl. I forget to look with all the cuteness. Kisses, Mattie loves them!! That donkey will come up just to get kisses on the nose. It is the sweetest thing to see. Noma may have started to get jealous or was trying to keep Cracker Jack away from Mattie, she started coming toward me with her ears back so I jumped up. Mattie started following me instead of Noma. I circled back so Mattie would see Noma. Mattie did finally go back to Noma. I thought we were about to have a problem, but we didn’t. I did go ahead and pick up some milk replacer and a bottle just in case. My goal is for Mattie to be a friendly donkey. Noma and Pete had never been handled when they came here and I want to avoid that with Mattie. So far it’s working. We had some people come over yesterday and Mattie walked right up to them. Ronnie said Mattie walked right up to him today and wanted to be loved on. This is an experience for sure. 

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