Saturday, April 13, 2024


This morning the donkeys were in a ravine for some reason. Sometimes I wish I knew what they were thinking. It was a rainy cold morning for sure. 

I’m not sure what keeps making this happen, I’m sure it’s the cats and not done on purpose. The hens who are laying eggs in the crates keep getting stuck in there because the gates are getting closed on them. I wasn’t home to watch the fireworks with those chickens getting released but I heard it was chaotic. The thing Ronnie said that really got me laughing was Snowflake could not get into her crate since there was a hen in each of the crates and they could not get out. Snowflake apparently was puffed up and squawking at all the hens and roosters, even chasing some of them. Once she got in the shop, then she was mad because Ronnie and I were in there. I was trying to get the eggs out of there before Snowflake could get in one of them. Once she finally got in a crate, I’m sure she will never leave it again. She was puffed up and super mad. She will get over it. 

I went out to help feed and I saw May was sitting on eggs. Well, turns out it was only 1 egg but she was mad I took it. 

Patsy seems better today. She was at least wagging her tail. That’s progress. 

The donkeys and goats were living it up in the pasture. 

Mattie and Willow tried to walk through the gate while Ronnie was taking a hay bale to the horses. I had to stop them. Mattie does know what a sorting flag is and he is not even bothered by it anymore. 

I saw Chloe out in the pasture. I’m glad she is doing well over there. I do wonder if she will ever come back to the other side of the fence. Probably not. She likes it with the horses. 

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