Saturday, April 6, 2024


It’s funny to me…Mattie is out of the pen and it looks like Waldo missed him. Waldo has been rubbing on Mattie as much as he can when Mattie comes close to the fence. What’s funny about that is if I let Waldo out, Mattie would chase him down and try to stomp him. 

I have noticed Snowflake has been out of the shop more. I am actually shocked at how much she is actually out of the shop these days. 

Suzie Q acted like she wanted out of the chicken coop so I went over and opened the gate. She did not want to leave the coop. 

Later when I went to feed the chickens in the coop, Suzie Q did leave the coop that time. I guess she needed some time to rest and she was rested up and ready to get back with her friends. 

I got to see the donkeys and goats today up close. I was glad to see them. I normally have to see them from a far these days. 

Noma seems to be appreciative to be getting her own bucket of feed so she does not have to fight to get something to eat. I’m happy I can do that for her. 

It was a hot day today. Jelly knew where to lay down so he could get the breeze in the shop. 

Tinkerbelle was trying to stay out of the wind, but she was being affectionate toward Cinderella while staying out of the wind. That was a sweet thing to see. It sure warmed my heart. 

The pigs are working on their mud hole in one pen. They know to get ready for summer. If it is already in the upper 80s, they need to make sure to get ready. 

Snowflake was out this morning and this evening. I was shocked. 

Chief and Jeb decided to eat together tonight. That never happens. The wind must have gone straight to their heads. 

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