Monday, April 29, 2024


Ronnie and I got home in the early morning hours. That is a long trip to do in such a short time. I know the house cats were all happy we were home. I did sleep in and Ursula cuddled with me until I had to get up. 

All the animals were looking good. 

The coop chickens were eating well and happy to see me. 

The sheep were so excited to see me they were almost dancing. It could have been me, or it could be the food I had in my hand. 

I saw Onyx out in the pasture hunting ground squirrels. I am pretty sure she has not caught one. 

You know, as. I looked out into the pasture, I realized I had not seen Chloe lately. I have no idea where she could be. I do wonder if she is sitting on eggs somewhere. At least that is my hope for where she is. 
Chief is having difficulty with his R front leg today. He is limping. I know he does that when the weather changes. Hopefully he is better tomorrow. 

Chief allowed Spots to eat with him tonight. I do not know what the deal is. Chief never wants to share his foot. He did let Spots though. What is that about? 

I did get to see all the donkeys and goats in the pasture today. It is good to see them all out there.

Bacon Bit really gave me a scare. I could not find her and when I looked in the shelter, there she was and she was giving me her goofy grin. She is really acting better toward me. 

Pork Chop allowed me to pet him tonight. If you only knew how excited it made me for him to allow me to pet him. He does not usually do that. 

The pigs are all doing fine. 

I saw the chickens all up on the table in the front of the house. They are so funny. Each of the hens were following Rojo. 

The dogs were happy to see us. Their routine was restored. 

I saw each of the barn cats also, so I knew they were fine. 

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