Tuesday, April 16, 2024


It somehow ended up to be a hot day. The temperatures were up in the 90s. I was not too happy about that, but it happens. 

The chickens that live over in the donkey pasture were waiting on the donkey water to overflow to get a drink. I was laughing at them. They could drink any other place, but they wanted to wait to that one. 

The dogs were hot and they wanted to eat and go back in. I did not blame them. I was ready to go back inside also. 

The goats were having a fight in the pen. They were making me laugh. I don’t really know what they were fighting about. 

The other animals are all doing fine. 

I did get to see some ground squirrels running around in the pasture. It is really a cute thing to see. 

The sheep really do tolerate the chickens without any difficulty. They live together in peace. 

I do still have a sick hen. Poor girl, I know she will not be around much longer. It breaks my heart every time it happens. 

It was a beautiful evening. 

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