Sunday, April 7, 2024


Today was a work day on the farm. We worked pretty hard today. We got a lot done. I’m glad about that. We also had visitors today who enjoyed hanging out with the animals. I hope they found some peace on the farm for a few minutes. 

My friend who helps us out had a goal, to make friends with Jasper and she got to do that this weekend. Jasper is still mad at us, but he let Olivia pet on him. That’s something. 

Jeb wants some attention and I gladly gave him that attention. He is such a great horse. 

Treat also let Olivia pet her today, too. That’s another win. 

I also saw Gus try to bite Willow. Willow better watch out if she is going to stick her nose in the fence. 

Jeb came when I called him, just like a puppy. It was funny. He does not always do that. Today he did. 

The donkeys were friendly with our visitors. They soaked up all the attention they could. 

Ronnie worked with Mattie on leading. Willow followed. 

One of the chickens scared me. She was laying an egg in the cactus. I walked over and only saw a small area of feathers. It did scare me for a second. 

The wind was terrible today. Jelly found him a spot out of the wind but where he could get a small breeze to take a nap. 

Suzie Q did not stay in the coop long. She has been reunited with her friends and is happy about it. 

The wind is so bad on these chickens. They just have to try to go with it. Lola was having a rough time. 

The gate came opened during the windy dust storm happening and all the dogs ran out of the backyard and to the back door to get inside. There was no budging them. I couldn’t blame them, I wanted to go inside, too, so I let them in. 

Noma is still getting her own bowl and she is liking that. That means she does not have to fight the cows or her kids for food. 

It was a productive day, but so dusty and windy. 

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