Saturday, April 13, 2024


Ursula was playing in some boxes. She is a funny cat. Her and Oreo were playing in those boxes. 

Ernestine was in one of the crates. I reached in to get the eggs she was sitting on and she went ballistic. She was so upset she got a wing stuck in the door and I had to free her with her going nuts. I did get her free and she is fine. 

That one chicken is still lying around. I don’t know if she is sick or she might be hot since it’s up in the 90s today. 

Patsy is back to being Patsy. I’m so glad she is doing okay. 

The sunshades in the heat of the day are such a helpful tool. The pigs are grateful for it. 

When I first went into the shop this evening, my first thought was Snowflake was not there. I said something to Ronnie about it and he said she had left the shop earlier in the day. She was running around with the other chickens. I should not have worried about her. She is smart and she knew when to leave the shop. 

Lola is still a sassy looking chicken. It makes me laugh all the time. 

I was trying to do some paperwork and Bubba was a little needy tonight. 

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