Monday, April 22, 2024


It was a hot day. The donkeys were over in the pasture just grazing away. They do not mind the heat. 

The sheep were ready for food. They were standing on the gate. 

Looks like Sonny was in a fight with another rooster, but I do not know which one. Sonny looks rough.

Funny story, I found Jelly literally laying on eggs. I could not believe my eyes. I had to get Ronnie to look at that. He could not believe it. 

The family of donkeys is doing well. They stay pretty close together at all times. I do think Noma is grateful for a reprieve from Willow and Mattie giving her a hard time. 

Alex was happy to give me some attention, Jasper though, not so much. 

You know, when I look out into the pasture, when I see Mattie, he looks so much like Red that I have to do a double take. 

The donkeys and goats came in from the pasture. I always love to see that. They did come over and gave me some attention today. 

I finally got a picture with what looks like the majority of the chickens. It sure looked like most of them anyway. 

I did see Hercules using Pete as a balance beam to get a limb he was trying to get. I laughed so hard. 

The horses got a new hay bale and they all looked happy. 

On another note, my grandparents have been married for 70 years today. That is a long time. I am so grateful I still have them in my life. 

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