Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Today was a cooler day. The weather was not great because it was cooler, but we made it through. The wind was what was making it cooler. At least it wasn’t cold. 
Cinderella is really starting to show a cute little personality. She still isn’t real friendly, but she is cute. She will get there. 

The sheep were super excited to get food. They are so funny about it. They jump and run around until that food is in the bowl. 

All the cats were in the shop staying out of the cooler weather. That was good to see. 

The cows are getting along with the donkeys. That’s always a good thing to see. 

Willow was trying to eat Jeb’s food. She kept trying to put her head through the fence. It was funny to watch her. 

The cows, Mattie, and Willow did have a little altercation over food a little while later, so I spoke too soon on them getting along better. 

Every time I see the cats getting along with the chickens in the shop it warms my heart. 

The goats and the donkeys were enjoying grazing in the cooler weather. 

Hercules was overly friendly this evening. He does act like a big puppy dog. 

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