Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Ernestine allowed me to take eggs from the crate she was in without running out and squawking. She was not happy about it, but she did not act like she normally does. She must be getting used to me. 

Athena was hanging out with the chickens until they got too close to her and she decided to go somewhere else. 

I noticed a couple of our ‘twin’ chickens were wondering around together. They are such pretty chickens.

Chief’s bowl gets moved up out of the way. As I was going toward him with his food, he tried to move the bowl down toward me. He did not make it all the way and I was able to get it down to be able to put the food in it for him. It was nice of him to try to move the bowl for me. 

I got to watch the ground squirrels running around the pasture. They are so cute and fun to watch. 

The cows got a new hay bale. I missed the fun in that, but I know they had to be excited about it. 

The sheep were watching every thing going on around them like they normally do. Nothing new there. 

I had not seen Jelly in a day or two. I was happy to get to see him this evening. I was able to pet him and Yeller. 

I saw something today that warmed my heart and made me sad at the same time. I have 3 animals who are all the same age and none of them are doing real well. They are all declining quickly. I know Bubba has been hanging out with Pepper and Maggie lately. I saw the 3 of them cuddled together in the laundry room. I know the time is coming when I will not have any of the 3. They have loved and been friends for 14 years. It was nice to see them spending some time together. 

Bubba wanted to be up in my way while I was trying to do my paperwork and things I needed to do. I had to stop and give him some attention. 

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