Tuesday, April 16, 2024


I got home this evening and the donkeys were all close to the house, except for Red. I found that weird. Red was still in the pasture. He was fine though. The other donkeys do not normally go anywhere without all of them together. 

Ernestine was giving me such an evil eye. She has not got used to me yet trying to grab the eggs and she has a fit every single time. She will get over that eventually, I hope, but so far that has not happened. 

When I got home, there looked to be a storm coming in, it never did rain, but it sure was looking like it was going to. 

Lola was giving the cats the eye. I don’t know why. The cats do not bother her. She was trying to get off the fence and did not want to fly down on top of them. 

Pepper seems to be getting slower. She seems to be giving up. My poor old girl. She has lived a long and good life. I am not going to make any decisions yet, but she is not doing too well. The decline started a while back, but it seems to be continuing. 

I watched the donkeys and goats going back into the pasture to be with Red. These guys are loyal to each other and they normally stay together. 

The sheep were staying close to the sick hen. The whole thing makes me sad. 

I learned something new today. I did not know hens would fight like roosters, but apparently they do. I watched Susie Q fighting with another hen. I even saw Rojo trying to get in between them. What a sight. They all walked away fine. 

The dogs were watching my every move. They were ready to get in the house and out of the heat. I was ready to get inside in case the storm hit. 

The donkey family is still doing well. I cannot express how happy that makes me. 

The animals were all eating in their spots tonight without difficulty. 

I saw Snowflake crawling in the goat shelter and giving herself a dust bath. I guess that is her new spot. 
I watched Saverine in the pasture. She is such a beauty of a horse. I am grateful she is here and is living out her life here. 

The pigs are all doing fine. Patsy is back to her normal self. I am glad she is doing better. I am guessing it was the weather that messed her up. 

My chicken is not doing well at all. There is nothing I can do for her which makes things so much worse. I bet she does not have long left. I hate this part so much. I was able to give her some extra cuddles tonight. 

I gave the sheep some extra time and attention also. They are so cute and cuddly. One of them, I am thinking Ted was watching his chicken friends outside the fence. 

Willow and Mattie were irritating the horses while they ate. The horses let them know they did not appreciate it. 

The cows did something I had not seen before. they would moo and then look over to me and then moo again and then look at me. I felt like they were trying to tell me something. I did not know what it was. There was nothing out there. 

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