Wednesday, April 3, 2024


I saw two beautiful female cardinals outside my door at work today. They were hanging around for the morning. 

It was still a dusty dirty day in West Texas today. The wind was crazy again today. None of the animals like those days, but the dogs struggle the worst. 

The chicken feathers were literally blowing in the wind today. They were walking sideways because of the wind. 

The cows, donkeys, and horses were not bothered by the wind. They ate like nothing was happening around them. 

The goats and the sheep ate hay since the wind was blowing so hard, the open hay bale was trying to blow in the wind, so to not lose the hay, the sheep and goats ate hay this evening. None of them complained. 

The wind was so bad there was dust in my hair, in my ears, and pretty sure up my nose. I went inside as soon as I could. 

Onyx found her a spot out of the wind in a hole. It was an interesting spot. 

Bubba just is not looking good. He is hanging in there though. He is still a loving cat these days. 

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