Thursday, April 4, 2024


Oh I’m not ready for hot weather. It was in the 80s already today and it made me realize how not ready I am for the hot weather coming. 
I did notice more beans coming up today in the garden. That’s a good thing. 

Suzie Q has not been looking too good lately. She stayed back today while all the hens and roosters in her little flock went over to eat. I opened the gate to feed the coop chickens and Suzie Q decided she wanted in. She lived in there for a long time with Edith, so she knows the drill. 

The donkeys and goats in the pasture were just grazing away in the sunshine. I love to watch them. It’s so peaceful. 

I watched the roosters and hens that were with Suzie Q and they were surrounding the coop. I know they were confused but it didn’t bother Suzie Q. 

I gave Noma her own bucket today. She seemed grateful for that. 

I turned on the water to the pig pen and then I forgot about it. I ended up flooding the pig pens. Both of them somehow. The pigs weren’t complaining about it. 

I caught Snowflake out of a crate. I ended up feeding her and Melody some oats. They were appreciative. 

The dogs were enjoying a nice breeze outside this evening. 

I was concerned about Suzie Q getting along with the other coop chickens, but I checked on them several times and they seemed fine. 

I gave the sheep some extra attention tonight. They get so happy about attention.

Mattie and Willow are the best of friends. They go everywhere together. 

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