Tuesday, April 9, 2024


It did rain some today. The temperatures dropped from mid 80s to mid 50s. That’s a drop. 

The sheep were excited about food. They acted like the weather was not bothering them. 

Snowflake was puffed up to stay warm. She does look mad when she looks like that.

Jeb sure did look dirty after being in the rain and dust today. 

I had not seen Chloe, the horse pasture chicken in several days. I did see her this morning. I actually saw her this evening also. That made me happy. 

Patsy is still up eating and drinking, but she does not look like she feels good. I am still hoping it’s the weather and she will be fine. 

The mud hole is looking like it will stay now in that one pig pen. Hopefully it holds for the summer. 

The sweet little donkey family are still doing well together. They seem so happy. 

Jelly decided to hide in the tall grass this evening. He is such a silly cat. 

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