Monday, October 14, 2019

Do you ever have those days where you wake up and it’s like a domino effect?? I got up this morning feeling rested and ready for the day. The weekend was stressful with school work and some other things. Did a wall for suicide prevention with my best friend in honor of her brother and that was emotional. Some other things went down this weekend that were stressful also but I won’t go into all of that. So, get up this morning and my donkey could barely walk. Ronnie was still home which on a normal day he wouldn’t have been, but I think God knew I was going to need him this morning. He was able to clean out some dirt build up in his hoof that was giving him problems. I have an appointment for the ferrier to come to do all of his hooves tomorrow so hopefully that will take care of all of that. Today was a rough day at work with emotions running high. I wonder if it has to do with the full moon. I get home and I’m exhausted. Thanks goodness I spent so much time on my homework this weekend so I didn’t have to do any tonight. I went out to feed. The donkey is getting around a little better. The goats were their normal intrusive selves. I get to the pig pen... these guys are such emotional animals that it absolutely blows my mind. These guys know when I have had a bad day. They want to be all cute and cuddly when I have had a day like this. I have to tell you, I know it sounds nuts but I look forward to this when I’ve had a bad day. Really, in all honesty, everyday. They know how to make me smile. I hope this makes you smile also.

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