Monday, October 14, 2019

I just wonder how much people know about pigs?? I knew nothing when I got my first 2 pigs. I mean, nothing. I didn’t even know what to feed them. I had no idea the things I would learn or what all we would go through. I am going to go through some facts for you just for awareness purposes. The first thing I think that is important to know is that there is a huge overpopulation of pigs. The sanctuaries across the country are all full. What happens is breeders give buyers a myth about potbelly pigs staying small. They call them mini pigs. There is no such thing as a mini pig. Breeders do starve momma pigs while pregnant to keep the babies smaller and then practically starve the babies to stunt their growth to Keep them smaller. This is obviously not a healthy thing for the pig and they end up with all kinds of health problems. In reality, a pot bellied pig can grow up to 300 lbs. Of course they don’t all get that big but some do. These guys can live up to 20 years if cared for. They love belly rubs and the bond very quickly to each other and their humans. Many pigs get rehomed before the first year is up because they have gotten so big. They can be potty trained and can make good house pets. They are affectionate and emotional animals. They like the heat much more than the cold. They need a feed pellet for the nutrition that they need. They do love veggies and they love to graze the grass. They also will eat hay. They are very susceptible to pneumonia and even the common cold with weather changes. If they become sick, because they are a prey animal, they don’t show signs until it’s serious and need to go to a vet. They need time, love, and patience from their owners. They are super smart but they need training like a dog. They can learn to do tricks and walk on a leash. Dogs and pigs should never be left alone together, that is a disaster waiting to happen. They don’t sweat and should not be given salty things because they can’t process it well. They can get really depressed and they cry real tears. They can get aggressive if not fixed and they have a high rate of cancer if not fixed. They need your attention daily and they will demand it. They love a routine and expect to stay on that routine. They love to sun bathe. They do need their hooves trimmed and risks trimmed also. They can reproduce very young and can have 3 litters a year if not fixed, which goes to the overpopulation problem that is growing rapidly. They drink a lot of water daily and need to have their food soaked in water to help with constipation and blockages. If you are thinking of getting a pig, all of these things are important to know. I’m sure I’ve missed some important things, but I know these should be on the list. Spread awareness!! Do research before getting a pig. It’s important for their well being.

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