Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Well, I learned something tonight. Something valuable. So, I was doing my normal rounds of feeding and watering. I fed and watered and loved on the donkey and goats. I then decided to change things up a bit. I fed the big pigs and went ahead and watered them as the smaller pigs were screaming for their dinner. I got finished and went over to the little pigs, I fed and watered them. I went back over to give a few treats to the big pigs. Treat bit my finger as I was trying to hand feed her. I know she didn’t mean to. That pig will actually jump for treats. That really shocked me. She did it multiple times. I’m a little nervous to hand feed spam, she is naturally aggressive anyway. Gus does well with hand feeding. I finished there and went back over to the little pig pen to give them treats. They again were crawling on me and getting treats. Brutus bit me two times thinking I was food. It did hurt a little but it’s still pretty funny. You may not know this but, pigs don’t have great eyesight. They rely more on their smell and hearing. I finally was able to love on them some. All of them in the little pen gave me sweet piggy kiss except for Pork chop. I go over to the other pen again to love on them and they were mad. I did get a piggy kiss from Gus and Treat, but they were mad. Every one of them snapped at me tonight. I know they were watching through the fence at the little pigs when I was in there but goodness, that jealousy is going to have to go. I have never seen all 3 of them mad like that. It wasn’t fun. The lesson I learned was to always love on the big pigs first.

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