Saturday, October 19, 2019

When we got Crack Jack back in March, I remember the owner saying to not forget to get his hooves trimmed ever so often. They didn’t need to be done when we got him. A couple months ago, I noticed his feet looking rough, so I mentioned it to my husband. The hooves were getting long and looked like they were cracking. Well, we didn’t get around to it then. So last weekend, I noticed Cracker Jack was limping a little. I mentioned it again. We are always so busy it’s just insane. He was busy building the new shelters. I got up Monday morning at the early time that I won’t mention. I have been putting out some hay in that pen in the mornings and usually Cracker is braying at me the minute I come out of the house. That morning he didn’t. I put the hay in the pen and he was barely able to walk. I did panic then. I had always heard if one of those animals loose the ability to walk, they have to be put down. So when I was leaving at a crazy early time, my husband had woken up and I told him about the donkey. We had tried to catch him the day before so I could call the ferrier to do his hooves and he wasn’t having it which is probably why he couldn’t walk on this particular morning. Ronnie stayed late at home to work with Cracker. He finally was able to get a new halter on him. I called the ferrier and he came out the next day. There again, Cracker wasn’t having it. We had to chase him down to get the lead rope on him. He was hard to hold also while his hooves were being done. I’m just grateful it was done. Cracker is much better now.

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