Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Well, I have been seeing a lot about how dogs and pigs don’t do well together and how they should never be left unsupervised together. When I first heard this I was thinking, hmmm... that’s weird, my dogs love my pigs. However, in saying that, they have never been together without a fence in between them. So in reality, I didn’t know what would happen. On social media posts, I have really seen some horrific dog wounds to pigs in the last few weeks. Thousands of dollars worth of vet bills and poor little pigs fighting for their lives. It really is a sad thing. I am really glad I have listened to the warnings. A few weeks ago I was out in the pig pen (of course, where else would I be except maybe the goat and donkey pen), I was loving on Gus and daisy came by, outside the pen of course. Gus lunged at her and snapped at her. She didn’t react except to look sad and walk off. I have seen him do this with my dog Pepper also. I have also seen Spam do this with Daisy. I hadn’t really thought about it much until seeing all of these posts about dog attacks. I do think now after seeing all of this with my dogs and pigs, anything could happen if they were out of the pen together. I am glad I have listened to the warnings. Pigs apparently start the fight, but the dogs finish it. It’s the predator and prey instincts. It doesn’t matter that they know each other and have been friends. Anything can happen.

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