Thursday, October 3, 2019

Had something interesting just happen. I have known there was a mouse hanging out in the house because of how the cats have been acting. They have their little signs that I know something is up. Before I finish this post though, please know that I do live on several acres of land so sometimes these little guys do get in the house. Not often but it does happen. So, I’m sitting on the couch and normally when I do this, the cats are both beside me. Well they weren’t. All of a sudden I heard a sound that I would know anywhere... a squeak of a mouse. I get up and see that both of my cats are chasing a mouse. They really were just chasing this little guy. I finally decided to put the mouse out of the misery. I caught him and released him outside. Poor thing was terrified. What is wrong with me?? It was a mouse...

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