Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My little Romeo hasn’t been himself lately. He just doesn’t act right. I’ve been in that pen everyday. About 3 days ago, I noticed his stomach was smaller than normal. I also noticed he wasn’t having bowel movements correctly. Not to give too much detail but it was caked on him everywhere, even down his legs. He was eating but not as much and he was drinking fine. I was ready to start giving him some broad spectrum antibiotics to help today if needed. This morning, now I do get up before daylight to feed, the donkey and other 2 goats came to greet me, Romeo didn’t. I did start to worry but didn’t really have time to do anything this morning but pray, which does work. He was up and around when I did leave for work though.  When I came home this evening, I didn’t see Romeo. Inside I had a panic moment. I finally saw him and he was up and moving around. He ate tonight like he was starving and was running around this evening. I think he is doing much better.

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