Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Temps are starting to get lower as the year goes on. I’m so grateful that my husband was able to get the new shelters finished for the pigs. It’s really not that cold yet but they are loving being in there with all that straw. They didn’t want to mess with me tonight because they were cold. They didn’t stay out to hang out with me tonight, they wanted to be in the shelter in the straw. I had to almost crawl all the way in the shelter to make sure they weren’t sick. They normally want my attention but the sun had gone down and they wanted to go to bed. This is in both shelters tonight. I guess they were cold. I guess they were anyway. I did get them all to come out after I crawled in their domain. They are all fine. I had a slight panic moment but I’m over it. I am overly cautious because pneumonia is so common this time of year with pigs. Poor treat had it when winter turned to spring last year and it was awful. I don’t want to go through that again and I sure don’t want them to go through it. I’m so grateful for these shelters and the husband that built them in a weekend!! The pigs are grateful also.

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