Sunday, October 27, 2019

I haven’t been posting much lately. I have been so busy. I have something funny that happened yesterday. I was out in the pens and I was finished feeding and watering all the animals. I tried to give the pigs some attention but they were cold and didn’t want to be bothered. I stuck my head in the big pigs’ shelter and was petting them. They let me love on them but they were busy with the new straw and getting snuggled in. So I go over to the small pig pen. Same thing. I know they were cold. They had rooted up the entire pen so I’m sure they were tired also. Little brats!! So they wouldn’t pay any attention to me either. I’ve had somewhat of an emotional few days and I really needed some animal therapy. I just went right into there shelter and sat down. They really didn’t know what to do. It was actually pretty hilarious. They all stood in the door looking at me. Brutus finally came in, but he loves me. The other ones are still stand offish but will let me love on them on their terms. In this moment though, they were not happy. I will say this, it does get warm in there. I don’t blame them for wanting to stay there.

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