Monday, October 21, 2019

This post is really about me and how silly I can be sometimes. So we had this crazy storm last night and so I prayed over all the pens and the animals. You may not believe in that stuff but I do. I know that some people think I’m crazy and I can be but that’s okay. I really don’t care what people think about me. I know who I am. Anyway. So, I was outside when the temps started changing and the wind started blowing. The temp dropped like 30 degrees quickly here. That’s tornado stuff right there. But, I went to bed knowing that things were going to be okay. I do have my moments sometimes of doubt but I shouldn’t. I woke up about 2 am and the wind was howling and I could hear the rain. I went back to sleep without checking on the animals. I was too tired to get up. When I got up a few hours later to go feed, I go out and start to panic... the light to the pens was out. Did I need to panic, no. As soon as I opened the door they all started oinking at me. I went down to the pens and they were all fine. There was nothing out of place except for the lightbulb to the light had been shattered. I had to pick up some broken glass out of the pen but that was it. All the animals were fine and all I needed to do was go and buy a lightbulb. Thank goodness. Prayer works, people!!

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