Saturday, October 19, 2019

These pigs are loving their new shelters so much. I came out today to spend some time with them. They usually are running around but today they weren’t. I actually got close to the pens and there was still no movement. I actually double checked the locks to make sure there was no where they could get out. I didn’t panic. I think I could have but I didn’t. I looked into the little pig pen and all 4 were cuddled together, snuggled up in the straw. It was so cute. I walk over and the 3 big pigs are all cuddled and snuggled in the straw also. I’m telling you, it was so cute!! Normally though, the slightest little noise brings them out to see me. I finally said, where are all my pigs and they came out of those shelters so fast still covered in straw. I know some of these stories are only funny to me and they are, you had to be there moments, but I love each of these moments.

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