Thursday, October 3, 2019

Last night was an experience. I went out and did the watering and feeding. It’s getting dark a little earlier now and I had some other stuff to do, so I did the feeding and watering and then did my other stuff. Part of that was checking on Romeo, he is better. I got the trash out and all that and then turned the lights on out by the pen and went to give the pigs some attention, too. I went in the big pig pen and the funniest thing happened. I literally stepped inside the pen and all 3 pigs just flopped over for belly rubs. I was no where near any of them but they stayed that way until I went over and gave each of them belly rubs. Poor treat did not look comfortable at all but she wasn’t moving until she got some belly rubs. It’s really funny going in a pen and they just all flip over. I wish I had a video.

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