Saturday, February 27, 2021

Country Living

 I never thought I would be living this life. I get up in the morning to a beautiful sunrise every morning. As the mornings go, at least on the weekends, I hear birds chirping. I hear all of the donkeys braying. I hear pigs squealing. I hear the goats making their noises wanting food. I hear the roosters crowing. The dogs bark and the cats are meowing. The evenings are ended with the same things and a beautiful sunset. We are so blessed to have all of this. I am so grateful. There are so many projects we want to do to make things better out here. The garden will be started soon, new fencing, fixing the barn, adding another barn or two. Working on the inside of the house also. I’m excited to see what the finished project is going to look like. 

Rehab for a Goat?

 oh Lucky!! Last weekend, Ronnie and I noticed Lucky couldn’t walk. I started stretching his legs in the front where he had the most difficulty. I would carry him out in the sun and had his water and hay next to him. He seemed to really enjoy the sun. By day 2 he was already trying to spin in circles. I haven’t had a lot of time this week due to getting off work so late, but I made sure to stretch those legs and at least get him to stand. Thursday, Ronnie was home and had put Lucky in the sun. I wasn’t able to see him at all on Friday. When Ronnie and I went out to feed this morning, Lucky was in a completely different area than he was. Apparently the hay was better in the other part of the building, so he made it over there...on his own. I opened the gate and stood him up. He is having a lot of difficulty with his right front leg, it isn’t straightening like it should so he is having difficulty with putting weight through that leg because of the decrease in range of motion. I stretched it some today. Lucky is using the back legs fine. So, I stood over him and moved his front legs while he moved the back legs. We did this for a while today. He was standing on his own, so I straightened my back up and he started walking without me. He did fall on his face a few times, but he was walking. We got over to the other pen and he sat down. I gave him fresh hay and water. He must have been getting hot because I looked over and he was turning in circles. I went over and stood him up again. He walked a bit and then fell. I decided to get him out of the sun. He started walking out of the gate. He found some fresh grass and ate for a little while. He then sat down half under the trailer, I’m guessing because he was hot. I grabbed him before he could get all the way under there. I pulled him out and stood him back up. He looked at me like he had had enough for today and he walked back to his spot in with the chickens and just laid down. He was not getting back up, he was tired. I left the gate opened and he didn’t move. I went back out a little while later and he was still in the same spot. We will keep working. This is a don’t give up situation. Believe you can do something and keep trying. Surround yourself with those who will help you and not give up on you. Thank you, Ashlea for reminding me of this. Thank you, Casey, for helping me in medicating this goat to get him better. 

Ned, Red, Pedro

 These guys have made life more interesting. These guys all feed off each other. If one starts braying, they all start braying. It’s like music to my ears. They are fitting in well. They are loving life. They have all been treated with penicillin for runny noses and coughs. They are rolling around in the dirt and acting happy. They are all very loving. I am happy they are all here. 

Rona and Earl the Barn Cats

 Rona and Earl have finally decided to get out of the shop. They are loving being outside. They both will follow Ronnie and I all over the farm. They are getting to know the other animals. They are hunting in the barn. They both like to stay in the sun. They are curious cats. They are both so loving as well. They want attention all the time. Rona especially is warming up. She is hanging out with a different animal everyday. Even Noma wanted to be around Rona today. The chickens don’t mind them, except Edith. I’m pretty sure Edith has a run in with the cats since she stopped laying eggs in the shop. I witnessed Edith and the cats. The cats backed down from her. I’m just so thrilled they are happy. There was one night I got home late and Ronnie said Rona was out and about. Later she had not been home. I asked about her the next morning and she was back. I like that they are exploring. Today it was so windy they gave up and went back to the shop for a nap. The minute we came back outside, they were following us. It’s really cute. I’m just happy they are happy. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Updates all around

 The pigs, chickens, roosters, dogs, cats all are doing well with not much to report. The shop cats have decided to get out of the shop and roam at night but they know where home is. The baby goats are doing well. Calling a vet this week to come check on Hercules getting fixed. While the vet is here, checking Carlos and Lucky. Carlos was showing signs of getting sick, but he was given meds and is still getting supplements without going downhill. Lucky is getting stronger every day but still can’t walk yet. I truly think it will happen and soon. The donkeys that got here yesterday all have some coughing and some runny noses, not surprised, they were given penicillin shots today and should be better shortly. The donkeys that were here are all fine. Our little farm is growing. It’s a great life. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

New Residents

 Last post tonight. I was not at home when the donkeys were unloaded. Ronnie did text me and tell me Red and Cracker Jack became instant friends. He also said Pedro was going to be his new donkey. Ned and Red are bonded. Lol!! Cracks me up. As I watched these donkeys interact with the 3 we already had, it really was something. Guys, Noma has the worst feet, but she was running. They all kinda stayed together for the most part. Pete and Pedro seemed to become instant friends. I’m amazed at animals and what I learn from them everyday. These guys did not care where the other ones came from, they all just kind of decided they were all home and they were going to run around together. Animals are amazing. We should learn from them. Red didn’t care who we were and this might sound crazy to some, but I swear that donkey was thanking me for saving him. He just stared at me with this look. He would follow me for a bit and even put his head on my shoulder. I’m so glad they are here. 


 I have done it again... I made the mistake of looking at the kill pen site again... in my defense, a friend of mine made me. Not really, she got my interest up when she asked if I had seen all the donkeys on the site. I knew not to look. I really knew not to look, but I did it anyway. Anyone know what happened?? I’m sure you do if you know me and read this blog. They had so many donkeys. I adore donkeys. I’m not sure why but I do. As I’m looking on the site, I said I would not do this again after how hard it was when Little Jack died. I still get sad about it. Noma and Pete haven’t made it too easy on us. They are still very skittish. Noma is coming around, Pete is super slow about it, too. I know they will come around and have to remember they haven’t been here long. They still don’t want much human interaction. I wish I knew their background. As I’m looking at this sight, the heart strings are pulled. I showed Ronnie some pictures of some donkeys and he said to do it. I found a pair that were bonded and said to be friendly. I texted the girl that works in the barn with them. She said they would sit in your lap if you let them. I decided to get them. Then I get this text from the same girl and it’s a picture of her daughter with a donkey in her arms. She said he was super sweet as well. I messaged the page and told them I would take the bonded pair. She messages me again asking if I could take another one. I asked what was going on and she just said they had another one that was really sweet and they were scheduled to ship on Saturday, this was on Thursday. I said I would think about it. I texted the girl at the barn again and she was trying to get me to take the other donkey also. I felt they were desperate to get him saved since he was so sweet. We finally made a deal and I paid the bail for 3 more donkeys. They made it home today. I didn’t get to spend too much time with them yet, but you know I will. They were figuring things out this afternoon. When I got home 2 of them had already figured out what cactus was and needed to get part of a cactus off of them. One of them still had some on him because he wanted nothing to do with us, the one they were desperate for us to take. I know he just needs some time and that’s fine. I’m not in a hurry. One of them is the biggest love bug. He was friendly from the start. The other one had the saddest eyes I have ever seen. He went and hid behind a tree. I had a friend come by tonight and she was able to pet on him. I know they just need to figure things out. So, meet Red, Ned, and Pedro. I didn’t get too many pics tonight but I will, no worries. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Now

 We are pretty much over the winter storm, it was close to 70 degrees here today. I started cleaning out animal shelters after the storm today. That was less than pleasant but necessary. Yesterday I went in to get Lucky out of his spot and get him in the sun to run around since it was in the 60s I believe. He had been in his smaller pen with the chickens so we could medicate him when needed and to protect him since he has been so sick. I knew he couldn’t stay with the others. He needed his own spot. Luckily we were able to provide that for him. It has truly been brutal this last week. Our main goal with Lucky was to keep him, warm, medicated, and hydrated. Everyday when he was checked on he was close to the same spot. I noticed all of his bodily functions were working so I did not think much of it. However, I discovered yesterday as I tried to get Lucky to a different pen to get him so sun and more room that Lucky couldn’t walk. This goat literally cannot walk. Guys, that was a heartbreaking sight for me. He was crying out as I was trying to get him to stand. So, I pick him up and carry him to the pen. I put some hay over by him and some water. He was eating and drinking fine. I let him sit in the sun several hours, checking on him every little bit to make sure he was okay. He seemed to enjoy the sun. I went out a couple times and worked on his legs, stretching them and helping him to stand. He was trying so hard. Later when it started to get dark, I locked him back into the smaller pen. When I got up this morning, I went in to check on him and we did the same thing. I carried him to the other pen to be in the sun. I gave him more supplements, food and water. He is eating well and drinking well. I did more stretching to his

legs. As I watched him this afternoon, I noticed he was moving himself. Granted, it was in circles, but he was trying. That is progress to me. Before putting him back in the smaller shelter, I worked on standing with him more. He was sure trying. I opened up the smaller shelter a bit for him so if he does get up tomorrow, he will have more room to roam. He is also protected there and is in a shelter instead of out in the open. I think with his illness and the cold this week, he just became so weak from all of it hitting at once. I believe it may take a few days, but I am believing he will get up again on his own. Bless his little heart. As long as he is willing to fight, I will fight with him. He is turning into a little love bug. For two years, he has wanted nothing to do with us and now he seems to understand we are not going to hurt him. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Winter Storm

 This morning I got up to go feed the animals and check water situations. I was greeted by the beautiful sunshine and the cold, but much warmer temps outside. I am so grateful for the sunshine and those warmer temps. I have never been through this weather catastrophe as an adult or having livestock. I know so many people have had it rough. We have not had it as rough as most other people have. We did loose our electricity for several days, so we did not have heat either. Ronnie and I stayed in a hotel for a few days since it was too cold to stay at home. I have to say, my anxiety was up to a level I don’t remember ever having. Yes, we knew cold temps were coming. No, we did not expect to have no electricity. We are already making plans in case this happens again. We did not loose water which was a good thing. My husband has been so great through this. We did feed the animals more to keep them warmer. I know they couldn’t have been warm for a week but they made it through. I packed as much straw as I could get my hands on into the pig shelters. We have a sick goat and We stuck him in with chickens in his own stall with lots of hay to eat and made a blanket out of it for him. My husband would come home every morning to break up the ice in all the water troughs so the animals would have water. It would freeze again quickly so he did this several times a day while I worked. I have seen a lot of birds that have died from the cold. I am happy to say all of our animals made it through. I know there are a lot of people in the area that did loose some animals through this. I think that is from prayer alone ours made it. Our barn needs some work but it held up well enough to keep the animals from this bitter cold. I’m hoping and praying this is over for now. Im grateful we all made it through this one. Now to clean the house from all of the mud from the ice and snow and to clean out the barn and all of the other shelters because they are gross right now. Going to be a busy day. Keep Texas in your prayers. It’s a mess here. People still don’t have electricity, water pipes are busting, etc, etc. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Lucky Update

 Lucky is still with us. He was definitely cold today when I went to check on him. He would not get up. I gave him his supplements and then made sure he got water through the drencher. I got him up enough to turn him around so he could drink the water on his own, which he did. I know I’m crazy sometimes but I covered him up in hay and then had Ronnie get him some alfalfa pellets to get more nutrients in him. He was basically eating in his bed. I don’t think we are out of the woods yet and the temps outside are not helping but I’m praying and we are doing everything we possibly can to help him. 


 The weather was suppose to get better and be up past the freezing point, well, the weather changed it’s mind. Instead of near 40 degrees, it decided to stay at 20 and snow more. I know I’m over it and so are the animals and so many other people. I’m beyond stressed right now, Ronnie and I had to get a hotel due to having no electricity which means no heat. We did go feed and water the animals of course but there is something about not being there, especially with it being so cold in the house. Surely the dogs will cuddle up and so will the cats that are in the house, but it stresses me bad. I hate not being there for the other animals also but I did get to see them all and make sure they were okay. This is just awful. I do not like it and I’m ready for this weather to straighten up. Someone remind me of this when it’s summertime, I hear it’s brutal here in the summer. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Lucky Progress

 I wanted to let everyone know that Lucky made it through the night in his hay and having his own water. I am hopeful for him that we are turning a corner. I’m trying to stay positive. He is enjoying having his own spot at the moment. He does have some fight in him right now because when the gate opens, he wants to get out. When I got home he was looking up at me like what are you looking at, I’m fine. I gave him more supplements and he really is eating well. He is drinking well also which are all good signs. The one thing I am not happy to say is he does not have diarrhea anymore. That has been stopped. I noticed his eyes are looking much better than they did a few days ago as well. I learn something new everyday but a new friend of mine told me not long ago that when the eyes look bugged out, they are dehydrated. Lucky’s looked rough yesterday but he looks so much better today. I’m still praying for him and hoping we turned a corner. 

Artic Temps

 Now this weather across the United States just needs to go away. The last few days have been so extremely cold. I feel so badly for these animals. I know they have to be cold, but we have done everything we can. I have put out straw and Ronnie has worked on windbreaks for the animals. Everyone of the animals has shelter to get into out of the wind. The temps have been so cold, we have been feeding a lot more than we normally do to keep them warmer. Our biggest fight has been water. With temps in single digits and harsh windchills making the temp in the negative, keeping drinkable water is a problem. Ronnie has used a blow torch, he has used an ax, etc. but the minute the water is in liquid form again, they get to drink some and it freezes again. Last night the weather was unbearable. The low was 1 degree here. I cried and prayed for a long time over those animals. Lucky has been really sick and was moved last night in hopes he would make it through the night. I have been very anxious but have been trying to pray instead of stress. I was still stressed. I wasn’t sleeping very well and then our electricity went out at 2 am. Then a smoke detector decided it needed new batteries and continued to beep. Then the snow plow continued to go up and down the street and every time it did, the dogs would bark. Needless to say, I have been up since 2 am. The electricity did not come back on until after I went to work. My husband who I am so grateful for has spent the day buying new water troughs for the animals and getting more hay and feed for them. When I got home from work, we put bottles of water with salt in them in each water trough in hopes that it won’t freeze again. Everyone of those animals drank so much water, some of the troughs had to be refilled. It’s bitter cold out tonight again but not nearly as bad as last night. I’m continuing to pray for these animals in this bitter cold. I’m ready for the cold to go away. I’m not sure I signed up for this. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Lucky Update

 This morning it seemed Lucky might have been better. He was up, eating and drinking. He even ran from us when we were trying to get some supplements down him. It wasn’t real fast so we were able to get it down him. The temps have dropped consistently today and we have had some crazy snow here today. As we were out feeding and watering, literally for hours due to the awful temps. Ronnie has to do some work on the barn and the shelter for the baby goats while we were out. The water is definitely a battle since it freezes as soon as Ronnie uses the blow torch to unfreeze it. Whoever decided this was a good idea, we need to talk. Hahaha!! Just kidding. As we were out, I noticed all the donkeys are limping around due to snow build up in hooves. Edith, the chicken that sleeps in the shop was laying out in the snow which is not good. Looked like maybe the cats kicked her out. She finally found her way to the area the other chickens were in. The pigs needed more straw which I was able to put in there. Ronnie and I went into the barn to give more supplements to Lucky and Carlos. I had to go do something and left the barn. When I came back out, Ronnie said Lucky is down and can’t get up. I run to the barn and he is definitely down and not getting up. Doesn’t even try when I go over to him and this is the goat that does not like humans. At least he was in the straw. I picked him up and put him in my lap to warm up. I think Hercules was bullying him. And I think Carlos is getting sick so I have treated Carlos and Hercules also already. I get Lucky in my lap and he relaxes some. I give him a bottle of water using the drencher. I decide I cannot leave him in here but the lean to is on its top so I can’t put him in there. Ronnie ends up making him a place in the chicken roosting spot. There are pens set up in there. He put a bunch of hay down in there and covered it with a tarp to keep the wind out of there. I picked him up and carried him part of the way and then Ronnie took over because Lucky is heavier than I thought. When we get over there, Ronnie hands him back to me. I thought he was gone already because he wasn’t moving but I cuddled with him a few minutes and he was moving. I bury him in the hay up to his head. He started eating the hay while he is covered up. I saw that as a good sign but then his head kind of drops. He was breathing and all but it’s like he was exhausted. I put water in there of course and put a plastic bottle in there so it wouldn’t freeze. Edith decided to go in there with Lucky and cuddled in the hay also. I have sat here and prayed about all of the animals because it is unbelievably awful out here. I finally decided Lucky needed to be checked on. I couldn’t do it. I’m not over Romeo yet. Ronnie went out to check on him. He came back in and said Lucky was up eating and had been drinking the water also. I can’t loose hope. I have to stay positive at this point. Keep him in your prayers. He is still fighting so I will continue to fight with him. These pictures are rough. He looks rough. I’m still praying. I’ve cried for a couple of days now but I know we are doing what we can. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Rough day

 Its been another rough day. The temp stayed in the 20s today. Ronnie and I have worked hard at keeping water to the animals. It freezes quickly after adding new water due to the temps. Lucky is absolutely miserable and has been crying out today. He even let me snuggle with him which is a first in 2 years. I know it’s bad for that to happen. Poor guy is miserable and I have just sat and cried over it. I know I can’t save them all but Romeo just passed a month ago. I don’t want to bury another animal. I’m just so upset. We added straw in the barn to keep him warm. Hercules is already battling him. I don’t want to put  Lucky in the lean to because 2 animals have died there in the last 2 months and it’s still upside down from the wind storm a couple of weeks ago. We treated Hercules and Carlos today just in case they had anything. I gave Lucky more iron stuff today to help with the anemia. I’m just so sad. The temp is ridiculous and i am just praying Lucky can beat this. I know I may be unrealistic at this moment but I just hate to see him suffer. I’m hoping the meds kick in quickly. Romeo did this for months and he lived for months but Lucky looks worse than Romeo did after a few days of this. Please keep me and Lucky in your prayers. The temperature outside is not helping matters. 

Friday, February 12, 2021


 This week has not been a good week. I have felt like this was the longest week since I have moved here. Nothing has gone right and I have been angry all week. I do not like that feeling. I just feel defeated in everything I have done this week. Now, enter the cold weather. On top of everything else, the weather is so cold out. I’m concerned about the animals. I get home tonight and added straw to areas that needed it. All of the water in every single pen are completely frozen since the temps didn’t even get to freezing today. I go out to check on the animals in the barn and Lucky is showing symptoms like Romeo had. It was a punch to the guy for sure. That’s all I needed (that sentence was dripping with sarcasm). Sometimes I just want to throw up my hands but these animals deserve more than that and I am determined to give them that. I ran out of the barn and tell Ronnie what was going on. He heads straight to tractor supply. As he is headed to the store, I’m messaging a new friend of mine to make sure I know what to get. (Thanks, Casey!! I so truly appreciate you!!) Ronnie gets all the right stuff and gets home. Now, Lucky has been with us almost 2 years. He was not friendly when we brought him home and he is still not friendly. I should have clued in that something was wrong when he walked up to me a couple of days ago. He doesn’t like to be handled at all. I prayed we would be able to catch him since he doesn’t like it and it was dark and it’s 17 degrees outside. I get stuff ready and walk into the barn. He is laying in the straw with Carlos and doesn’t move. He is sick for sure if he won’t get up when I go into the barn. He just sat there looking at me. I grabbed him and handed him to Ronnie. I was able to get all of the meds down him. Thank you, Lord. I’m hoping this works. I will Treat Carlos and Hercules tomorrow also just in case. I don’t want to feel defeated. I was reminded by another friend tonight that I do take care of these guys and they know love. I do everything I can for them. (Thanks, Ladonna, I needed your kind words). I’m praying for Lucky  and a better attitude. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Definitely cold out

 Im not sure where I have moved but it’s so cold. There was freezing fog all day and temps were not above 30. It’s crazy to me. This weekend is going to be worse. I got home today and Ronnie was putting hay in the barn so those animals could stay in the barn. I checked the straw for the pigs. The little goats are staying in their shelter. The shop cats are staying in the shop, thank goodness. All of the water was frozen so Ronnie went around breaking up the ice. I hate this so much for the animals. I will add more straw tomorrow. They all have shelter out of the wind but I am concerned because it’s so cold. Surely they will be okay. The goats had been out of the barn and had ice hanging from their beards. Good grief, I am a nervous wreck.