Friday, February 5, 2021

Meet Waldo

 I am shocked at myself for not saying anything about bringing Waldo into the family. When Ronnie and I adopted the twins, Buckwheat and Porkey, they had another pen mate. After we got the twins, the lady we got them from, who I have become friends with told me Waldo was lonely without the other two. Well, we adopted Waldo, too!! He is not too friendly like the other two, but when moving places, that happens. He will get there. We were informed before picking him up that he could jump a 5 foot fence. Our fence was only 4 foot. Ronnie added fencing on top of the existing fence to make the fencing 8 foot. They are in an area where it is close to the house and is well lit. We are glad Waldo is here. All of the babies were excited to see Waldo. It was a sweet thing to watch. 

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