Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Updates all around

 The pigs, chickens, roosters, dogs, cats all are doing well with not much to report. The shop cats have decided to get out of the shop and roam at night but they know where home is. The baby goats are doing well. Calling a vet this week to come check on Hercules getting fixed. While the vet is here, checking Carlos and Lucky. Carlos was showing signs of getting sick, but he was given meds and is still getting supplements without going downhill. Lucky is getting stronger every day but still can’t walk yet. I truly think it will happen and soon. The donkeys that got here yesterday all have some coughing and some runny noses, not surprised, they were given penicillin shots today and should be better shortly. The donkeys that were here are all fine. Our little farm is growing. It’s a great life. 

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