Saturday, February 13, 2021

Rough day

 Its been another rough day. The temp stayed in the 20s today. Ronnie and I have worked hard at keeping water to the animals. It freezes quickly after adding new water due to the temps. Lucky is absolutely miserable and has been crying out today. He even let me snuggle with him which is a first in 2 years. I know it’s bad for that to happen. Poor guy is miserable and I have just sat and cried over it. I know I can’t save them all but Romeo just passed a month ago. I don’t want to bury another animal. I’m just so upset. We added straw in the barn to keep him warm. Hercules is already battling him. I don’t want to put  Lucky in the lean to because 2 animals have died there in the last 2 months and it’s still upside down from the wind storm a couple of weeks ago. We treated Hercules and Carlos today just in case they had anything. I gave Lucky more iron stuff today to help with the anemia. I’m just so sad. The temp is ridiculous and i am just praying Lucky can beat this. I know I may be unrealistic at this moment but I just hate to see him suffer. I’m hoping the meds kick in quickly. Romeo did this for months and he lived for months but Lucky looks worse than Romeo did after a few days of this. Please keep me and Lucky in your prayers. The temperature outside is not helping matters. 

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