Sunday, February 7, 2021

Not good.

 The past week has been a little rough for some reason on the dogs. I am not sure what is causing it and I’m not sure what to do about it. One afternoon I came home from work and Ronnie was still gone. I was late coming home and had been to work early that morning. I knew the dogs needed out. I was not prepared for what I came home to. As I walked in the door to the house I heard snarling and growling. I dropped my stuff and ran to where the dogs were. I saw Pepper on her back and Daisy has her by the throat. I am not a big thinker at times like these, I react. I ran in there and pulled Daisy off of Pepper. Surprisingly enough, Pepper didn’t have a scratch on her. I’m sure it is all of her hair. Thank goodness she has the hair. Last night as I was letting them inside, it happened again with me standing right there. Again, I had to pull Daisy off of Pepper. I don’t like that at all. I’m not sure what is happening. They are usually fine. Any ideas?? 

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